Oriental Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a trend to watch for the coming years in Asia as it will surely keep on growing and is in synch with many local aspirations of consumers.
August 7, 2020
The global candle market size was valued at USD 3.45 billion in 2018 and it has kept on growing since then. Indeed, candles have become a big part in self-care rituals, home cocooning and aesthetic-appealing design trends. Millenials are driving this growth and consequently beauty retailers, independent brands, and fashion houses have been coming up with innovative products to constantly capture this customer segment.
A few years back, the main purpose of candles was to smell good. It is still mandatory today, but other features are avidly demanded by consumers.
Good design
By design, we mean the look of the candle jar of course but also other elements like a fun, unique name, great colors or candle add-ons. For instance, we all remember the success of Goop’s candle named This smells like my vagina (Gwyneth Paltrow’s one they say). Well the name is behind a good part of that success. Similarly, brands such as Boy Smells have come up with a unique offer in terms of colors (the pride collection was sold out in hours) and offer – they only sell candles and underwear, with the brillant tagline : candles that smells – underwear that don’t.
Other businesses have decided to stand-out by adding gemstones or dried flowers in candles they produce. This particular type of candles has been booming on handmade e-commerce website ETSY.
Clean ingredients
It is known that burning bad quality candles can release harmful chemicals causing health problems ranging from headaches, dizziness and allergy symptoms to asthma attacks. So consumers are looking for the healthiest alternative there is. Natural wax (soy wax, beewax, coconut was,…) has become a great option in that area. Brands such as Eym, Bolt & Star, Irusu, to name a few have developed a sustainable offer to answer the growing demand in safe candles.
DIY kits
With sustainability in mind, newcomers on the candle market (like Posie, Ponoie or Nature’s Blossom to name a few) are offering DIY candle making kits. It gives the possibility to recycle used-up candle jars or to be innovative and make candles in other type of contenants. It is also a way to really create the scent and look you want while using products that are clean and safe to manipulate.
The appeal of candle DIY is so strong that some shops dedicated to it have opened across the world. In the form of workshops, customers can create a candle under the supervision of a professional. Have a look at The London Refinery, Penn & Beech, The Candle Pour.
If you want to learn more about trends and innovative ideas from around the world, feel free to contact us !
Aromatherapy is a trend to watch for the coming years in Asia as it will surely keep on growing and is in synch with many local aspirations of consumers.
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