Food for thought

Place to see (from your couch) : InstaFood

Being confined once again in France, we have little chance to visit new and exciting places. So the internet becomes our window to the world. 

Being stuck at home also means for many of us that we will cook and eat more than usual so here are a few inspirational instagram accounts that make food that looks both tasty and pretty. 


The company started as a caterer in Paris and gained popularity thanks to its visually pleasing dishes combining Japanese ingredients with slow food ethics. Balbosté now has a physical shop in Paris and sells various of its creations while offering workshops where customers can learn how to make beautiful looking pickles. 


The Social Food is an account run by a couple (Shirley and Mathieu). They could be called food designers as they showcase a mix of recipes and lifestyle photos with a common esthetic. While cooking is usually messy, their pictures are always clean and minimalist but still mouth-watering !


Elise Dumas is a Paris-based food stylist and content creator. Her feed is rich and colorful and you sometimes have to look twice to see of it is a picture or a painting you are looking at. Using mainly food and flowers, she creates unique compositions. 

   Monia MERABET

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